I’m really happy to announce that Binti Home has been featured in the lastest issue of dutch magazine for women, Margriet. It’s a big honour for me they’ve asked me as a blogger to show my vision on the textile trend from this season. I try to explain my ideas about expressive textiles and made some photo’s in my home. I think there’s a lot going on in the world of textiles, there are a many new ways to work with textile. Some designers try all the new printing/digital techniques, others companies love to go back to the basics and work only with natural materials and make every textile with the eye on craftmanship. You can add this trend in your home by choosing different textiles together, work with thicker yarn, mixing techniques and the use of colour. For this issue I photograph all the images by myself in my home, and I work with the colours I really like this autumn: Ocher, rust orange and moss green. Also i’ve created two d.i.y. for this item: a clothhanger with textile yarn and the lampshades i’ve made from old fabrics which i’ve cut into ribbons ( you can choose the size by yourself). Then i braided the lampframe with this fabricribbons. This issue is still in stores till tomorrow 11 oktober 2013. Curious what you think!
They asked me some favourite brands where I can find these textiles, for the webfavourites I would have called some other websites. Correction: www.zenza.nl |
The shoppingpage has been made by Margriet |

Photography : Souraya Hassan, Binti Home