Maison69 hotspot in Cairo – excitement takes over!
Do you recognize that feeling that excitment takes over and you’re simply getting lost in time? Sometimes when I enter a new store or restaurant I can get completely amazed by everything I see. A funny kind of adrenaline goes through my body and all I want is to capture everything. That’s the first part actually, making photo’s with my camera for the blog and with my phone for instagram. And then the second part even more ‘dangerous’, the shopping part. Because most of the time when I have this experience of ‘getting lost’ I do see a lot of nice products I sure (not) need for our home.
And the result is that it’s suddenly one hour ( sometimes even 1,5hour) later. But completely satisfied with a new blogpost in my mind and ( most of the time ) a bag with something new for at home.
Cairo Inspiration tour
So all of this happened again when I was getting inspired on a regular day here in Cairo. I visited a new conceptstore named Maison69 in Zamalek, Cairo. I went here to get inspired by new designs and beautiful styling ideas. Creative friends Anki, Suus and Lonneke went on an inspiration trip to Copenhagen last month. It was the plan I would go with them but because we were in the middle of preparing our Egyptian Wedding on the 20th of april. So I thought it was better to spend the days here in Cairo to prepare everything ;). Currently I am working on an amazing new project together with these girls ( and Marlous too ), ofcourse more about that soon. You can already get a glimse of what we’re doing on our instagram page. Oh and want to know more about the Copenhagen trip? Read here the blogs from Lonneke, Anki and Suus.
Maison 69 – A complete interiorconcept
So while they we’re getting inspired in Copenhagen I did my part in Cairo. I believe inspiration is everywhere! When I entered this store Maison69 I had this whole ‘Wow! Experience’. And if you see all the photo’s below you definately understand what I mean. The concept of the store is like you’re in a home. You enter this the store/home in a garden, flowershop Joie de Vivre where I wrote a blog about before. Then you walk into the livingroom where you can buy the most amazing accessoiries for your home, thinking about cushions, stools, lighting from Salsabeel and many other products. With a first look you think this is the store, what is already amazing bytheway.
But then, when you open the steel/glass door you get a whole other experience. Welcomed by 69 manequin dolls, or how they call it, the guests of the house, you enter the ‘bedroom’. Everywhere clothes, a lot of matrasses, accessoires and beautiful visuals. It feels a little bit like Alice in Wonderland. When you walk through the bedroom you’ll find a big wall of ( 3500!) books with a stairs that lead you to the mens room. And again, the interiordecor is amazing. Nothing is impossible!
Design by a creative mind
The whole store is beautiful styled. A mix of industrial, vintage, Egyptian heritage and glam. Simply an amazing and complete interiorconcept. The concept and interiordesign is done by Amir Fayo, the owner of the company. The design development is done by Safey khairy and the art installations ( remember those 3500 books?) done by Sarah Shannon. A great team of creative people are responsible for the design and ideas of this new conceptstore.
The visit of this store was exactly what I needed for this new project I am working on with the girls. So take a seat and enjoy the visuals of the store below. And hopefully you’re able to come to Cairo one day to visit the store yourself! 🙂 And then a new idea pops up in my mind, maybe an Cairo Inspiration tour one day…? 😉
Photography : Souraya Hassan, Binti Home Blog