VIDEO – How to create a balance at home with colour?
How to create a balance at home with colour? That questions I will answer in my new video.This time it’s a HOME VLOG. And it will hopefully be helpful for everyone who is decorating or redecorating their home!
How to create a balance at home with colour?
That’s the question I am answering in my new Home Vlog. Because I believe balance is one of the important keys while decorating your home. When I am working on a interiordesign or styling project I always try to find that balance to create a good harmony. In this video I will explain in different steps why it’s imporant to create a balance at home and also how you do it.
Make your own colour palette
What can be very helpful to create that balance you’re looking for is to make your own colour palette. You can search for inspiration for your favorite colours in magazines and on Pinterest. You can also go to the paint store to get your colour cards. My advice is to create a colourpalette that consists of two basic colours and 2 or 3 accent colours. For our home I choose white and light grey for the basic. And Mint green, yellow and camel for the accents. Beside that we also work with ton sur ton, that means the same type of colour but brighter or darker.
Home Vlog
After you made your own colour palette it’s time to divide the colours over the room. Because that’s the main point of creating a balance. To divide the colours in a right way over the room. How to do that? I will explain that in this new home vlog. I am very curious what you think. Let me know if this video was helpful to create a balance at home with colours.
Also, if you have any questions for your home, feel free to ask them below this blogpost or below the video on youtube. Maybe I will choose the question to make a topic about in the next home vlog!
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Concept, video & edit : Souraya Hassan, Binti Home