Hometour of my home on Dutch Television
Since I was updating my press page I realised I didn’t share the big interview on television! Last february, like two weeks before I moved out of this house, a camera crew visited my previous house to have an interview about my house, my work and my life. It turns out amazing and it’s a beautiful memory of my previous home.
TV Hometour on program ‘Binnenste Buiten’
Since I write my blog completely in English it feels like a releave because no more stress about translations and double texts. And I think a lot more people can finally read my blogs too. The only thing is, this interview is in Dutch. So it’s very nice to watch for the Dutch people over here. But if you can’t speak just take a look to have a nice TV hometour in my previous home. As you all know I don’t live in this house on the country side anymore and we are currently in Our Cairo Home.
But for those who are still wondering, I didn’t moved completly to Egypt. We will live between Holland and Egypt so this summer we will look around for a new home in Holland too. If you know anyone with a cool house who want to rent it out, just let us know :). We’re looking on the internet for a new house we can make our home. Our Dutch Home ;). In the meantime, it’s great to see this TV hometour interview. I am honored that this programm Binnenste Buiten asked me. It’s a beautiful memory of this house I have lived in for almost 3 years!
Video Interview
Check the interview on the links below. Beside that I also share some links to previous blogposts about each room. Enjoy and get inspired!
Check the video here : https://binnenstebuiten.kro-ncrv.nl/fragmenten/egyptisch-huis
if the link doesn’t work, use this one 🙂 : https://www.npo.nl/binnenstebuiten/07-03-2017/KN_1688802
I decided to paint the wall in my kitchen yellow. More about this kitchen restyling you can read here.
I still love this white bedroom with accents of yellow. See the styling of the bedroom post here.
Here I show you how to create a XL pinboard with a Cork Wall at my workspace.
That’s it! Did you like the interview? Just let me know! And if you have any questions about products in my home. Maybe you can find them here in the XL Hometour and otherwise, just drop me an e-mail!
All the content by KRO Binnenste Buiten.